Tzedek envisions a just world where all people flourish. Our Fellows take on a range of social justice initiatives, from empowering women to expanding economic opportunity to stopping sexual violence. We create a space for Fellows to explore how discrimination based on class, gender, sexuality, faith traditions, and ethnicity intersect. Within this wide-ranging exploration, the program is centered around three core focal areas:
LGBTQ Rights
Tzedek was created by queer people for LGBTQ leaders and allies. Our Fellows engage with critical issues affecting the LGBTQ community, including access to healthcare, transphobia in schools, and treatment within the justice system.
More on LGBTQ RightsRacial Justice
Fellows work to dismantle economic, cultural, and legal barriers faced by people of color, looking at racial injustice experienced through imprisonment, income disparities, health outcomes, and more.
More on Racial JusticeCombating Anti-Semitism
Tzedek is rooted in the Jewish social justice tradition and shaped by an awareness of the profound danger of anti-Semitism. Fellows increase their knowledge of anti-Semitism historically as well as how it manifests today. Tzedek promotes understanding, respect, and wellbeing by fostering collaborations and coalitions.
More on Combating Anti-SemitismExploring the Intersections in Social Justice Work
In our partnerships, we seek organizations that are are aligned with our mission of equity and inclusion, and working towards social transformation. In Tzedek trainings, Fellows look through an intersectional lens at their own lives, community, and society. They take a deep dive into each of the focal areas, examining the history and systems of oppression and looking at parallels for where we are now. Critical thinking is a constant in the curriculum.